The Harrow Road Community and Maternity Champions project launched in 2015 and has been managed by PDT since July 2024. Since 2015 an active group of local residents have been volunteering their time to spread important messages and promote local services that can make a big difference to people’s health and quality of life. They also run regular activities that support the health and wellbeing of local residents including parent and baby drop ins, walking football and a women’s group.
We are currently looking for new volunteer Champions. Get in touch if you want to volunteer with a fun and friendly team, receive support from the Project Leader to work towards your goals and help to support the health and wellbeing of your community.
For more information on becoming a Champion or to find out what activities the Champions are currently running, contact Shelly Coleman, Harrow Road Champions Project Leader shelly@pdt.org.uk
The Publications to view all Westminster Community Champions reports and the Community Champions Social Return on Investment evaluation October 2017 – May 2018