The Fighting Chance is typical of the kinds of small organisations that are helping people through EQUIP. They are helping older people get fit and get work in gyms etc through (non contact) boxing skills coupled with employability advice about how to get work in the sports sector. EQUIP has given the ‘Fighting Chance’ contracts of 20,000 apiece to work in Islington and Barnet.
Other projects are helping people get work in construction, fashion, admin, transport or helping them move on to courses with a longer term employment aim in mind.
Started in April
- 23 projects are running from round one which was allocated in June.
- 74 extra projects were added in December.
PDT is delivering an ESFA fund of £3.7 million through the EQUIP programme operating across Central and West London. EQUIP funds smaller community-based organisations up to £20,000 to work with unemployed people assisting them into training and jobs. Our latest round allocated £1.7 million.
New rounds coming in Spring 2020.
“PDT has been delighted to run this scheme for the ESFA. These small grants of up to £20,000 a time can make a big impact if allocated to the right local charities and organisations. We are being very careful in our assessment of applications to make sure the grants go to organisations that will use them to help people in their local neighbourhoods to get good jobs or training towards employment.”
Paddington Development Trust