PDT Employment Service
Excellent news this week for PDT’s Employment Team and the unemployed residents they support: their work gained the Matrix Standard for the tenth year running.
The Matrix standard is the official quality mark for organisations that give Advice and Guidance. Its rigorous checks ascertain whether advisers give well informed, confidential advice; if they help good numbers of people into work or training and if they treat their clients with respect. As well as interviewing residents currently on the programme, the Matrix Assessor spoke with all the employment staff, partner organisations and local employers. She concluded:
“There is no doubt PDT Employment meets the Matrix Standard. There is much that other organisations could learn from this team in terms of compassion and commitment.”
“My conclusion is that PDT Employment provides an excellent service and that it is growing from strength to strength”.
PDT’s Chief Executive Neil Johnston said: “The Matrix standard is a rigorous check on all aspects of our Advice and Guidance work so we are delighted to have retained the Award for a tenth year. The Employment Team has worked very hard and they thoroughly deserve this endorsement of the quality of their work.”

If you would like to know more about PDT’s Employment Service, or to enrol on it, please contact the team.
Call: 020 7266 8254
Email: PDTESocial@pdt.org.uk